Friday, June 10, 2011

Archipel Des Tuamotu

The "Tuamotus" are a group of 78 islands, all but two being coral atolls. They lie in a NW-SE direction across 15 degrees of longitude (almost 1000 miles). Together with the Marquises and the Society Islands (Tahiti) they form French Polynesia. To enter an atoll, you must sail or motor through a pass, which is a break in the enciricling reef. This entrance must be timed with the tides and wave action outside the pass. High winds and seas can make a pass unuseable. Once inside the lagoon, one must have high sunlight to navigate and avoid the numerous coral heads and shoals. Unfortunately, on my arrival, the winds were 30 knots, seas 8-10' and overcast. If you can't get into the atoll you can't anchor outside as the depths are to great. My only safe choice was to continue. It was disappointing but there will  be other atolls...

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